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This shirt comes in yellow gold, black or white.  It has a eagle emblem with a shield in the center containing a skull with lightning through it.  The brand name Oldskull Shirts is written above it in bold print.  This is a streetwear vintage style of shirt made of the coolest design  by Oldskull Store USA the best in North America.
This shirt comes in yellow gold, black or white.  It has a eagle emblem with a shield in the center containing a skull with lightning through it.  The brand name Oldskull Shirts is written above it in bold print.  This is a streetwear vintage style of shirt made of the coolest design  by Oldskull Store USA the best in North America.
This shirt comes in yellow gold, black or white.  It has a eagle emblem with a shield in the center containing a skull with lightning through it.  The brand name Oldskull Shirts is written above it in bold print.  This is a streetwear vintage style of shirt made of the coolest design  by Oldskull Store USA the best in North America.
This shirt comes in yellow gold, black or white.  It has a eagle emblem with a shield in the center containing a skull with lightning through it.  The brand name Oldskull Shirts is written above it in bold print.  This is a streetwear vintage style of shirt made of the coolest design  by Oldskull Store USA the best in North America.
This shirt comes in yellow gold, black or white. It has a eagle emblem with a shield in the center containing a skull with lightning through it. The brand name Oldskull Shirts is written above it in bold print. This is a streetwear vintage style of shirt made of the coolest design by Oldskull Store USA the best in North America.
This shirt comes in yellow gold, black or white. It has a eagle emblem with a shield in the center containing a skull with lightning through it. The brand name Oldskull Shirts is written above it in bold print. This is a streetwear vintage style of shirt made of the coolest design by Oldskull Store USA the best in North America.

Acid Moto High Performance Eagle Tattoo Shirt

Regular price
$ 577.00
Sale price
$ 515.00
Unit price

Be a true Rock Star. 
You notice an amazingly beautiful girl walking your way. 
She walks up to you and says "Hi." 
You think, today is my lucky day. 
She says "Your shirt is killer."
Oh yeah, your luck is changing.  You say "Thanks."
She asks "Where you did you get that shirt."
You say "Oldskull USA."
She says "Thanks" and walks away.
Oh yeah, she's into me.
-OldSkull USA

Old Skull Shirts are the best tattoo design shirts.

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